Here's just a small sampling of coaching and facilitation projects over the years:
Coaching employee engagement / ROUNDTABLE SOLUTIONS
Under the Energy Efficiency Project for the Regional Manufacturing Institute (RMI) under the advisement of the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA), Lauren Muney facilitated employees in manufacturing firms in the Baltimore, Maryland region to create an energy awareness employee culture by developing a Green Team in manufacturing companies. This new culture and Green Team approach helped companies cut energy waste, reduce spending, as well as increase employee engagement and satisfaction.
Meeting for a specific number of sessions per company, Lauren helped each company Green Team craft and begin custom plans based on their own company needs, while exploring new possibilities for growth and improvement – all in respectful facilitation sessions. Functioning in roundtable discussions, employees across departments learned new skills of communication, problem identification, problem-solving, and connecting with supervisors and management. Each team learned how to continue their upward momentum after the facilitation period.
Working with company leaders, RMI stakeholders, energy efficiency engineers, and state agencies, Lauren’s work forwarded the progress of energy-efficient behavior- and culture-change while giving employees the tools for quality communications with their company leaders.
Coaching small business towards international success
When pain relief expert Martha Peterson of Essential Somatics wanted to take her successful New York City-area business global, she sought Lauren Muney’s coaching. The small-business, marketing, and project coaching allowed Martha the opportunity to dream big, plan big, develop new skills, gain quality feedback, and use new resources in the global community that she would have never considered before the coaching.
Under Lauren's coaching, Martha created a comprehensive international website, commenced teaching international workshops, developed, marketed and sold five different DVDs, created a widely-read international blog, and developed a highly-respected teaching institute that now instructs specialized practicioners on five (5) continents.
Thanks to the instantaneous communications of the Internet age, Lauren and Martha could video-chat, send graphics files instantly, make changes on the fly, and even seek additional staff for Martha across the country and across the world.
The best part:
While Martha feels that she has a ‘partner’ for ideas, guidance, marketing, and strategizing, she doesn’t have to share her rewards of the business: coaches are emotional and planning partners, but always the business stays your own.
Health-business coaching
It’s becoming a healthier world, thanks to individual practitioners of movement, fitness, and health starting their own businesses: working at facilities, or developing their individual clientele. We are a nation of small businesses, far outnumbering the large corporations. And many of these businesses have started from caring, well-trained individuals with a large heart to help people in the health and wellness field.
That’s where coaching comes in. Coaching helps these small businesses, often sole proprietorships, develop their niche, marketing strategies, and works with them – at their own pace – to make business improvements or solve problems that otherwise created frustration.
In the last five years, Lauren Muney has helped many of these small health-businesses with small projects, marketing humps, or even the burgeoning moments of a business idea. Health small businesses have well-trained individuals or partnerships in their own niche, but perhaps a little threadbare in the business elements, such as marketing, client-attraction, or decision-making.
Coaching gives tools to the client, but the client retains the rights and income from the success. It’s like the client has a helpful partner --the coach-- who gives away her share of the riches.
This specialty coaching of health-businesses arose by the simple old-fashioned method of word-of-mouth. One health-business client told another person of success with coaching, who told another. Soon, a community is formed of successful, self-solving folks with business success.
Peer health coaching
When the Cleveland Clinic wanted their nursing staff in one of their hospitals to be more healthy, they called on Lauren Muney to devise a peer wellness-coaching program. Lauren’s custom-created program taught volunteer participants the delicate art of wellness coaching, but in a respectful peer-to-peer context in the often stressful and long hours of the nursing profession.
Coaching is an art based on self-motivation and self-discovery for the “patient”. Queries are invited by the coach, but it is the “patient” who creates the solutions. Since both the ‘coach’ and the ‘patient’ are directive-based medical professionals, coaching –which is a non-directive approach– is often difficult for these types of professionals. The volunteer participants enjoyed Lauren’s coaching training and had little difficulty during their peer coaching sessions.